If you’d like to join an existing committee, please reach out via the contact info provided below. If the committee has no contact, or if you would like to join a committee that is not listed here, or if there is no contact listed for the committee, please email info@ward4democratsdc.org.


Chair: Shauna Gordon-mcKeon


The outreach committee is responsible for getting the word out about Ward 4 Dem’s events and initiatives, helping members find ways to contribute, and hosting community-building events.

Meets: The First Tuesday of Every Month at 7pm (Virtual)
Chaired by: Shauna Gordon-McKeon
Contact: shaunagm@gmail.com


Chair: Patience Singleton


The legislative committee helps inform members about the legislative process and how they can get involved in it. 


Meets: TBD
Chaired by: Patience Singleton
Contact: coming soon

Youth and Education

Chair: Vanessa Rubio


The youth and education committee engages with young people in Ward 4, with a special focus on K-12 education.



Meets: TBD
Chaired by: Vanessa Rubio
Contact:  Coming soon


Chair: Renee Bowser


The housing committee plans educational events on housing topics relevant to Ward 4 and helps members advocate for their individual and community housing needs.


Meets: TBD
Chaired by: Renee Bowser
Contact:  Coming soon